Perfect Blend of Genetics Designed for Profit$

We are often asked, "Which breed will work best for me?" That question is why we produce Angus, Simmental and SimAngus genetics. There is no one answer for every herd. We have worked hard for 30+ years to produce the genetics that work in a crossbreeding program. Study any feeder cattle buyer survey and one of the most important factors is the demand for crossbred feeder calves. Buyers know crossbreds perform better and are more profitable. They are willing to pay for the extra performance. However, the real benefit is the crossbred cow. Hybrid vigor has the greatest effect on lowly heritable traits such as: conception, calving percentage, calf vigor, fertility, longevity, and in general PRODUCTIVITY. Therefore, the true benefits are apparent in the cowherd for years to come, boosting your calf crop each year those cows are in production.
There are many different breeds to choose from when making the logical decision to incorporate multiple breeds into your program and all of which have their benefits. With that said, we believe and studies have shown that Angus and Simmental are the best suited to breed to one another. The strengths and weaknesses of Angus and Simmental cattle compliment each other to make the "Perfect Blend of Genetics" when combined. By combining Angus and Simmental to make SimAngus genetics we believe each breed should represent the strengths that they are known for. For example in our breeding philosophy, Angus is relied upon to improve calving ease and birth weight, add marbling and maternal characteristics such as mothering ability, udder quality, and fleshing ease. The opposite side of the equation is Simmental, we look toward our Simmentals to boost growth, lower yield grades, and increase rib-eye area while not sacrificing calving ease, birth weight and marbling. Another important and valuable piece to the puzzle is maintaining the highly sought after black hide to your calf crop. This is where the Simmental breed's focus in the last 25 years to make them black hided sets the breed apart from some others.
Sunflower Genetics has worked for over 3 decades to provide you with the "Perfect Blend" to help you make a profit with your cow herd. Your profitability is the driving force for all of our breeding decisions.
There are many different breeds to choose from when making the logical decision to incorporate multiple breeds into your program and all of which have their benefits. With that said, we believe and studies have shown that Angus and Simmental are the best suited to breed to one another. The strengths and weaknesses of Angus and Simmental cattle compliment each other to make the "Perfect Blend of Genetics" when combined. By combining Angus and Simmental to make SimAngus genetics we believe each breed should represent the strengths that they are known for. For example in our breeding philosophy, Angus is relied upon to improve calving ease and birth weight, add marbling and maternal characteristics such as mothering ability, udder quality, and fleshing ease. The opposite side of the equation is Simmental, we look toward our Simmentals to boost growth, lower yield grades, and increase rib-eye area while not sacrificing calving ease, birth weight and marbling. Another important and valuable piece to the puzzle is maintaining the highly sought after black hide to your calf crop. This is where the Simmental breed's focus in the last 25 years to make them black hided sets the breed apart from some others.
Sunflower Genetics has worked for over 3 decades to provide you with the "Perfect Blend" to help you make a profit with your cow herd. Your profitability is the driving force for all of our breeding decisions.
Source: U. S. Meat Animal Research Center (MARC), Clay Center, NE. Report #22
Additional Information on SimAngus Genetics
Click to see more information about SimChoice. Look into the SimChoice program to preserve the source, age and genetic identity of your SimGenetics further down the US beef chain.
Click to go to an article posted by Allied Genetics. "What is the value of SimAngus genetics."
Click to go to the American Simmental Associations page for SimAngus genetics
Learn more about why Simmental is the perfect compliment to Angus.
Click on the button to find more information on Simmentals 70/70 program. Shoot for 70% Choice and 70% YG 1s and 2s.
Read why SimAngus do the best job for a Georgia commercial breeder.